
Navigating the website

The L’OCCITANE Group website provides a number of features that are designed to make navigation easy for all Internet users.

Main logo

You can return to the home page from any page on the website by clicking the "Groupe L’OCCITANE" logo on the banner of each page.


Main menu

The main menu, which is displayed when you click the Menu button on the banner, allows you to access the main pages of the website. It is a drop-down menu that can be controlled using both a mouse and a keyboard.

Secondary menu
When you click one of the main sections, a second menu will be displayed just above the main content.
This secondary menu lists all of the pages available in the selected section.

Footer menu
The menu in the footer provides a number of useful links such as to our legal notice, and cookie policy, as well as our « Data privac » et « Ask a question ».

Functionality provided by your browser

Apart from offering integrated accessibility aids, the website has been designed to enable your browser to make best use of its own functionality.

Character enlargement

You can enlarge the size of the characters on any page of the website.
If you are working from a PC, you can increase the character size using the Ctrl + + key combination. You can also use the Ctrl + - key combination to reduce the character size..
By pressing these key combinations successively, you can increase or reduce the character size in increments.
Note also that the key combination Ctrl + 0 (le chiffre « zéro ») Note also that the key combination
When using the key combinations listed above, Mac users can simply replace the Ctrl key with the Cmd Key.

Navigating using the keyboard

The website has been designed so that it can be navigated using a keyboard.
In most cases, you just need to press the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate from one clickable element to the next on any given page.
To move back up again, against the reading direction, use the key combination Shift + Tab.


Keyboard users have the option to add any page as a favourite or bookmark.
If you are working from a PC, just open the relevant page, then press Ctrl + D on your keyboard. Mac users can use the key combination Cmd + D.

PDF documents

This website provides PDF documents for download.
To view these documents, you will need Adobe Reader. You can download this software free of charge from

Site accessibility

What is digital accessibility?

An accessible website is a website that enables all Internet users to access its content without difficulty. This includes users with a disability who use specialised software or hardware.
For example, an accessible website allows you to do the following:

  • Navigate the website using speech synthesis or Braille displays (used by blind or visually impaired users, in particular)
  • Personalise the way the website is displayed based on your specific requirements (character enlargement, colour adjustment, etc.)
  • Navigate the website without a mouse, using a keyboard only, or through a touch-screen display
  • Etc.

In order to provide this functionality, the website must comply with strict standards when it is developed and each time it is updated.

Audit d’accessibilité du site

In December 2017, Atalan (a leading consulting company specialising in digital accessibility) performed an accessibility audit level on the following pages, attributing them AA level status:

User agents, accessibility technology, and tools used to check accessibility

Content display checks have been performed using the following browser and screen reader combinations:

  • Firefox 57 and NVDA
  • Internet Explorer 11 and Jaws 18

The following tools were used during the evaluation:

  • Color Contrast Analyser
  • Contrast Finder
  • Outil de développement Firefox
  • Web Developer Toolbar (extension Firefox)

Website accessibility level

This audit established that the website’s accessibility level is good.

Les règles d’accessibilité suivantes sont par exemple respectées :

  • The primary language of each page is declared
  • The pages of the website each have a unique and specific title
  • Style sheets have been used to manage the layout of the website
  • Replacement text has been provided for any images that require this
  • Link titles and button labels are clear (intuitive)
  • The titles of the sections reflect the content of the pages
  • The website can be accessed by keyboard alone
  • A hidden ‘Go to main content’ skip link is provided for all pages of the website
  • Links that open in a new window are indicated clearly
  • Information is never conveyed by means of colour alone
  • Link lists are correctly identified using <ul> and <li> tags

However, some accessibility rules have not been complied with in full. This applies to the following in particular:

  • In terms of the expectations of the relevant accessibility standards, the degree of contrast in the vast majority of the colour combinations used on the website is sufficient. However, this is not the case for certain occurrences of white text superimposed onto background images.
  • It is not possible to stop or pause the animation on the home page.
  • Based on the W3C standard, certain pages of the website are showing minor HTML validation errors. However, to our knowledge, this small number of errors does not result in any real accessibility issues (no impact on technical aids, in particular).
  • Although they can be used via keyboard alone and a screen reader, some of the website’s rich interface components (such as the modal window, tab system or personalised drop-down list) do not fully comply with ARIAdesign patterns.
  • Not all of the PDF documents provided for download are fully accessible. Given that they have already been made available for download, converting these documents to accessible format would involve a significant amount of work. As such, the L’OCCITANE Group will make an accessible version of these documents available upon specific request. To obtain an accessible version of a document, please get in touch with us using any of the methods outlined in the "Contact us’" section below, clearly indicating the name of the document in question.

Contact us

We are committed to making this website available to all users, irrespective of physical and/or cognitive ability.
However, if you encounter an issue while navigating the website or while accessing certain content, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Please provide as much information as possible about your specific case as well as the issue you are having, so that together we can find a solution.

Via the online form

To contact us using the online form, simply go to the "Any questions?" » page and complete the form provided.

Via email

To contact us via email, please send an email to the following address directly:

Via phone

To contact us by phone, please call the following number: +41 22 884 38 10. This line is open Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 18:00 CET.

Nous contacter par voie postale

If you would prefer to contact us by standard mail, please write to us at the following address: Corporate Communications, L’OCCITANE International S.A., Chemin du Pré-Fleuri 5, CP 165, 1228 Plan-Les-Ouates (GE), Switzerland.


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