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Nature is everyone’s business: A call for collective action to reverse nature loss

Protecte Area - Écrins National Park - Reotier Spring

The L’OCCITANE Group is strongly supporting Business for Nature’s call for collective action to reverse nature loss by 2030. Launched on 15 June 2020 at a global leadership event organised by the World Economic Forum, ICC, WBCSD, UN Global Compact, IUCN and Business for Nature, the call to action represents a powerful collective business voice calling on governments to adopt ambitious nature policies.
Healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature, but our natural resources and ecosystems are under huge strain: over half the world’s total GDP – $44 trillion – is moderately or highly exposed to risks from nature loss. Many companies are already making nature a priority by using natural resources sustainably across their supply chains, creating green jobs and producing more environmentally friendly products.
L’OCCITANE’s products are inspired and powered by over 300 ingredients that come directly from nature, many of them from the Mediterranean Basin, which is one of the richest ecosystems in the world. L’OCCITANE is committed to protecting this ‘biodiversity hotspot’ and championing its heritage. As part of this commitment, L’OCCITANE has pledged to protect over 1,000 species and varieties of plants by 2025. To achieve this goal, it has set out specific actions to develop regenerative and organic agricultural practices through long-lasting partnerships with its producers and via its engagement in the One Planet Business for Biodiversity coalition.
L’OCCITANE is committed to empowering people and supporting nature in the territories the Group relies on to create its products. Its Burkinabe shea butter supply chain, for example, is net carbon positive and helps protect semi-arid areas in West Africa. The Group has also helped bring the almond tree back to Provence.

Adrien Geiger

Chief Sustainability Officer at the L’OCCITANE Group and Global Head of L’OCCITANE en Provence

Nature is our business because our value lies in biodiversity and the people who cultivate it. In Provence, in Corsica, in Burkina Faso, we develop local biosystems to regenerate and support natural heritage in all its diversity. Collective action is key, which is why we are proud to be engaged in worthwhile coalitions, such as Business for Nature and One Planet Business for Biodiversity.

These leadership efforts in business now need to be scaled up and complemented by ambitious, transformative government policy that enables the world to thrive within nature’s limits as set by science. As political leaders start planning the path out of the coronavirus crisis, they cannot afford to overlook nature’s role as the beating heart of a ‘green recovery’ and the foundation to ‘building back better’.

The L’OCCITANE Group is calling for all like-minded companies to add their voice to the call on governments to create the policies needed to reverse nature loss by 2030. 

Visit Business for Nature’s website to join the call to action.